Hideaway Studio – 1946 Deagan Electric Chimes for Kontakt

Kontakt | 7.06 MB

Although tuned percussive instruments had long since been in existence JC Deagan was perhaps the most significant figure in the field to transform often seen as crude novelties into well respected percussive orchestral instruments with exceptional tuned harmonic haracteristics.
Perhaps one of the most influential of the JC Deagan instruments is the orchestral marimba as we know it today.
As well as being synonymous with high quality tuned percussive orchestral instruments, JC Deagan also specialised in musical bell design with exceptional tonal qualities. These were produced in all shapes and sizes but it was to be the larger carillons for use in churches and public buildings where JC was to really excel. As electromechanical technology developed during the turn of the century the systems grew and became much more sophisticated resulting in some massive public bell tower installations.
For a short period of time JC Deagan produced a series of small electric carillons based on arrays of skilfully tuned chime rods tube amplified by pickup coils and actuated by solenoids and felt dampers. Built circa 1946, it is one of these rare instruments that formed the basis for this sampled offering following the overhaul of the amplifier chassis much in need of new capacitors after nearly 70 years of service.
Require Kontakt version 4.2.4 or higher

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