Percussa Vol 1 v1.2 for Omnisphere-RESONANT

Team RESONANT | 02 Mar 2020 | 131.0 MB

Cinematic Percussion Grooves for Omnisphere 2.1 and later! Created by John “SkiPpy” Lehmkuhl, AIRWAVE (Laurent Veronnez) and ExoSun (Casey Baldwin)!

This library contains a jaw-dropping 97 Multis, 718 patches and 438 Drum, Percussion and SFX samples that will give you a complete BLOOD TRANSFUSION of ideas for cool / unique cinematic grooves. You might ask, WHY are we building this library inside of Omnisphere 2 – isn’t this just supposed to be a synthesizer? NO!! It can also be one of the coolest drum/percussion resources available anywhere!!

Because of the synergy of a powerful synth engine and the awesome vast array of effects, we were able to create percussion grooves with an astonishing quality to them that you’ve never heard before. When you hear Omnisphere 2 cranking out these massive grooves in your studio, make sure you have a chair close by to catch you!

UPDATE 1.1 added DRUM KIT MAPS for all 47 Multi Grooves! ALSO – the 1.1 update also adds 289 ARPEGGIATOR patterns! Every Patch in the groove Multis is using the ARPEGGIATOR to make it’s groove & we’ve saved every one of them out to almost 300 different patterns! ALSO – the 1.1 update adds 1 NEW MULTI using Robert Dudzic’s awesome Radikal Samples called “GRV-130 XENOMORPH Radikal” and it is RADIKAL and awesome!

NOTE: Updated on June 9th to V1.2 with 4 NEW Multis and 15 NEW BPM Patches!! 2 new Grooves and Kits modeled after “Believer” by Imagine Dragon and a Reggaeton groove based on “Despacito”… Listen to the grooves below in the Individual Groover Player!

48 Multis
712 Patches
438 Samples

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